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Join the kangaroo club!

At the Kangaroo Klup children from 3 to 7 years old can get acquainted with sport in a playful and sporting way. We are going to play games for an hour that respond to skills and basic forms of movement with a small nod to korfball.


At the expense of the korfball association, a child will

number of training sessions must be registered with the KNKV.

Perhaps there is an extra present… For the children

so there are no contribution costs to the Kangaroo

Klup training sessions connected (FREE!).

From the age of 6, a child also becomes a member of the

korfball association and a contribution will have to be made

getting paid. From this age they can also

switch to F-youth. there we go really

get started with the korfball game and can

matches are played.


Sports clothes and sports shoes are sufficient. We train on a lawn. Gym shoes are required in the hall.


Hopefully see you soon!!

Where and when?

We regularly organize a Kangaroo Klup training of up to one hour. The training sessions in the hall are in the Spont. Because we depend on the availability of the room, there is no regularity in the dates.

Training days on the field will be announced shortly.

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