International Korfball Tournament Stadskanaal
IKTS 2024
This year marks the 22nd edition of the tournament. We are pleased to welcome teams from Indonesia, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Armenia and Sweden. With 10 teams we will be playing tournament matches from friday evening through to the final on saterday evening. On sunday there will be IKF official interland matches.
The whole tournament will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel kvStadskanaal74tv. The tournament schedule and scores will be published over on Tournify. See the buttons below.
About the Tournament
Every year Korfball Club Stadskanaal'74 organises an international korfball tournament. Teams from all over the world travel to Stadskanaal to take part in our memorable tournament. It all started in 2001 with 4 teams from 2 countries, nowadays the event has grown to 12 teams from different continents. Teams outside Europe stay a week in Stadskanaal prior to the tournament. They play practice matches against clubs in our region, do a little sight-seeing and have the facilities for training.
We are proud to be the host of this beautifull tournament!

2024 Tournament Timeline:
27 october
Interlands matches
Interlands (national teams can play against other national teams according to IKF rules).
25 and 26 october
International Korfball Tournament Stadskanaal will be played on these days.
21-24 october
Teams outside Europe arrive.
Practice matches against regional clubs and training.